Sunday, May 1, 2011

Change Your Self-Talk With Affirmations

An affirmation is a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state, such as, "I am enjoying living debt free and traveling around the globe."  To be effective, your affirmations should be constructed using the following guidelines:

1. Start with the words I Am.
2. Use present time - Describe what you want as though you already have it.
3. State in the positive.  Affirm what you want not what you don't want.
4. Keep it brief.- Think of your affirmation as an advertising jingle.
5. Make it specific. -Vague affirmations produce vague results.
6. Include and action word ending with-ing.
7. Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word.  Commonly used words like, enjoying, joyfully, happily proudly, peaceful, etc.
8. Make affirmations for yourself, not others.
9. Add or something better. - When you are affirming getting a specific situation (job, opportunity, vacation,) material object (house, car, boat) or relationship (husband, wife, child) always add the words or something (someone) better."

Take some time to day and write your list of positive affirmations and read and meditate over them daily.  After doing this for a while, you will begin to notice how the conversation with yourself has suddenly changed.

Excerpt taken from : The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

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