Saturday, May 14, 2011

Success. . . Whenever! ! !

How old are you?  I know you're probably saying that's none of my business and it probably isn't.  But what I do consider to be my business is reinforcing your belief in yourself.  It doesn't matter if you're 7 or  70; Success can occur WHENEVER!  It's your responsibility to get up off your "you know what" and make it happen.  It all starts with a decision and that decision should be that nothing is more important than fulfilling your God-given destiny.  If you don't make a decision to walk it out, God will see fit to pass it along to someone else who will. 


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Change Your Self-Talk With Affirmations

An affirmation is a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state, such as, "I am enjoying living debt free and traveling around the globe."  To be effective, your affirmations should be constructed using the following guidelines:

1. Start with the words I Am.
2. Use present time - Describe what you want as though you already have it.
3. State in the positive.  Affirm what you want not what you don't want.
4. Keep it brief.- Think of your affirmation as an advertising jingle.
5. Make it specific. -Vague affirmations produce vague results.
6. Include and action word ending with-ing.
7. Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word.  Commonly used words like, enjoying, joyfully, happily proudly, peaceful, etc.
8. Make affirmations for yourself, not others.
9. Add or something better. - When you are affirming getting a specific situation (job, opportunity, vacation,) material object (house, car, boat) or relationship (husband, wife, child) always add the words or something (someone) better."

Take some time to day and write your list of positive affirmations and read and meditate over them daily.  After doing this for a while, you will begin to notice how the conversation with yourself has suddenly changed.

Excerpt taken from : The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"Just Do It" was a familiar phrase and Nike advertising tag that was used during the Micheal Jordan era.  As simple as it may seems to "Just Do It" will take more than someone telling it to you.  The best question is "Do You Want It?"  Your response to this question will determine your next move. 

Aren't you tired of being sick and tired?  Do you awake each morning wanting more for your life and those around you?  Would you like to make a difference in your community?  If you've answered yes to these questions then you have confirmed that you "do" want it, so now there is nothing to it, but to "Just Do It".  Don't waste another moment sitting still-start making it happen. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Where have you been?  What have you done?  How many lives have you changed or impacted during your brief history on earth?  I recently had the opportunity to spend 4 days in Washington DC on a guided tour.  And if the truth be told, I really wasn't as attentive as I should have been, but when I did tune in, I was able to learn some very valuable information about the individuals  and incidents that impacted and shaped our country.  When I looked at the many monuments and the names that were inscribed on the walls, I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like for the many generations after me to ponder the FOOTPRINTS that I've made in history.

NOW is temporary, but HISTORY is forever!  Take a few moments to ponder the FOOTPRINTS that you may be leaving behind-are they imprints in the sand or cement.  What you do today will have an effect on tomorrow.  Make a difference in the lives that you encounter and give them something meaningful to talk about.  The only thing that will matter after you are gone, it's not the day you were born and not even the day that you died, it will be that little dash ( - ) in between that will tell YOUR-STORY.    Remember, the next step you take will make its mark in history. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


. . .  that's what you should are! I recently had the opportunity to watch the movie "Unstoppable" starring Denzel Washington.  The movie is about a  runaway train (called 777) which is based on a true story of an actual runaway train in Toledo, OH (called the 8888).  I found this movie to be quite fascinating for a couple of reasons; 1.) This train was traveling at a high rate of speed in auto-pilot and everyone was immediately cautioned to get out of its way, 2.) Although the conductor was not on board, that did not change the trains pre-destined course because the track had already been laid and 3.) Anything that attempted to get in its way to stop-failed.   

Of course no one wants to have a runaway train coasting through their city, but your focus, passion and tenacity towards your destiny and purpose in life should be likened to this train, "unstoppable".  The path (your destination track) has already been laid, you just have to get on board your own life, put plans into motion and take down anything/anyone that attempts to derail you.  Who's getting out of your way because of the determination you have to succeed?  Life is a destination, but you can only enjoy the ride if the train is in motion.  Stop sitting around waiting for others to get on board.  Toot your own horn, leave the station and start your journey.  TODAY! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011


When you read in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 it says that there is "A time to be born and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to pluck what is planted" and so on.  Everything in life has its place in time, so why are most of us sitting still when NOW is the time be more than we've ever been.  We are called to live successfully and walk in our God given purpose and the full abundance of our lives.  What is it time for you to do-only you know the answer to that and only YOU can get up, get moving and start making things happen. 

This week will end the first quarter of 2011, how does your Life Quarterly Report read?  Get moving! It's Time!.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is FEAR Holding You Back

What's holding you back from reaching that ultimate goal in life?  Sometimes it seems that whenever you would take two steps forward you fall five steps backwards.  That's what happens in life and you have to learn how take bigger leaps to make up for the those things you allowed to take you backwards.  Take for instance FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) and how it grips you every time you attempt to move forward, it reminds of you the many times that you failed.  But keep in mind that for every pitfall of failure there is another step added to the ladder of success.

There is too much greatness in you to stop now and totally give up.  Where would we be if the great minds that contributed to today's Technology Age had given up.  We would probably still be looking for pay phones, cashing paper checks or typing our letters on an electric typewriter.  What are you carrying around inside of you that will change the world?  Don't allow fear to keep you from moving forward.