Sunday, April 3, 2011


. . .  that's what you should are! I recently had the opportunity to watch the movie "Unstoppable" starring Denzel Washington.  The movie is about a  runaway train (called 777) which is based on a true story of an actual runaway train in Toledo, OH (called the 8888).  I found this movie to be quite fascinating for a couple of reasons; 1.) This train was traveling at a high rate of speed in auto-pilot and everyone was immediately cautioned to get out of its way, 2.) Although the conductor was not on board, that did not change the trains pre-destined course because the track had already been laid and 3.) Anything that attempted to get in its way to stop-failed.   

Of course no one wants to have a runaway train coasting through their city, but your focus, passion and tenacity towards your destiny and purpose in life should be likened to this train, "unstoppable".  The path (your destination track) has already been laid, you just have to get on board your own life, put plans into motion and take down anything/anyone that attempts to derail you.  Who's getting out of your way because of the determination you have to succeed?  Life is a destination, but you can only enjoy the ride if the train is in motion.  Stop sitting around waiting for others to get on board.  Toot your own horn, leave the station and start your journey.  TODAY! 

1 comment:

  1. So true, many of us get so afraid of failure that we cloud our time with BUSY work, instead of "goal-setting" work. What works for me is setting aside a time-frame, and locking the rest of the world out. Noah did it, and look what he accomplished.
